- stazom 70 m od
vile... dječje kupalište Tomaševac |
- 70 metres from the villa to the beach Tomasevac |
Apartmani (4 zvjezdice) - 4-stars apartments:
1 - Kamelija 2
- Bugenvilia 3
- Hortensia 4
- Palma 5
- Okoliš
su klimatizirani (besplatno), upotreba interneta, stroja za pranje
rublja (za apartmane na prvom katu) kao i roštilja na plin ili drva u
vrtu su isto besplatni.
villa is airconditioned (free of charge), also use of internet, washing
machine (for the apartments on the first floor) as well as barbeque
(gas or wood) in the garden, also all free of charge. |
Parkirna karta posebno, jer je villa u pješačkoj zoni centra.
Parking ticket available, since the villa is in the walking area of the center of Opatija. Payable. |
Your place to relax in Opatija, the pearl of the Adriatic! |
More d.o.o. Stube M. Krleže 2 HR-51410 Opatija,
Hrvatska Tel. +385 51 712 204 Fax. +385 51 718 575

upite slati emailom. Please send your inquiries by
email. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Anfrage per email. Prego
mandate le Vostre richieste via email.
Vila je nepušačka zona, pušiti se može na terasi ili vrtu.
Villa is a non-smoking area, smoking is possible on the
terrace or in the garden.
Villa ist eine nicht-raucher Zone, man kann auf der Terasse
oder im Garten rauchen.
L' interno della Villa e solamente per non
fumatori. E possibile fumare sul terrazzo oppure in giardino.